Micromax is planning to make a comeback in the Indian Smart Phone Industry. Micromax co-founder Rahul Sharma posted a video message on 6 October 2020 to explain how they rose and fell, but now, they strive to make a comeback on the call of India for domestic phones.
Micromax will launch its new series called 'In' before this Diwali . This series will feature devices that deliver a “value for money” experience, with competitive performance and nearly stock Android experience.
Personally speaking, even my first mobile phone was from Micromax but after Chinese companies started selling phone at very cheap prices Micromax was kicked off. I am eagerly waiting for 'In' series.
I will be providing detailed review of the 'In' series so stay tuned.
Comment down below if you have any query regarding this blog.
Peace ✌️
Let's wait and watch